by Jenny's Speech | Feb 6, 2015 | Resources
Hi everyone! This Friday’s Fab App is called “Preposition Builder”. What’s a preposition, you ask? Any word that denotes a place in space; examples would be “in”, “through”, “between”, “under”, “beside”, etc. These concepts can be especially difficult for children...
by Jenny's Speech | Jan 30, 2015 | Resources
Wow, it’s been a while, but figured I had to squeeze in my Fab App Friday before January is over! Happy 2015 everyone! Hopefully you haven’t broken those New Year’s resolutions already. 😉 Anyway, today’s app is called “Apples and Pairs”, and it’s a great FREE app for...
by Jenny's Speech | Nov 21, 2014 | Resources
Hey everyone! This week’s edition of “Fab App Fridays” is for all of our little artists out there! Bubl Draw is a fun app that children of all ages can enjoy. If you’re new to Fab App Fridays, here’s the scoop on FAF: Each app reviewed in FAF are some of my favorite...
by Jenny's Speech | Oct 17, 2014 | Resources
Welcome our second week of “Fab app Fridays”! Each Friday, I will be post a new blog entry, reviewing some of my favorite ‘apps’ or applications that I think are FABULOUS on the iOS system, since I use an iPad during some of my therapy sessions. I will try to keep the...
by Jenny's Speech | Oct 10, 2014 | Resources
I am so excited to introduce this new segment of our blog; “Fab app Fridays”! Each Friday, I will be posting a new blog entry, reviewing some of my favorite ‘apps’ or applications that I think are FABULOUS on the iOS system, since I use an iPad during some of my...
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