Wow, it’s been a while, but figured I had to squeeze in my Fab App Friday before January is over! Happy 2015 everyone! Hopefully you haven’t broken those New Year’s resolutions already. 😉 Anyway, today’s app is called “Apples and Pairs”, and it’s a great FREE app for language therapy for school-age children working on syonym and antonym pairs. It’s compatible on the iOS system and it’s also on Amazon, so should work on Amazon tablets. Check it out.
If you’re new to Fab App Fridays, here’s the scoop on FAF: Each app reviewed in FAF are some of my favorite apps that I think are fabulous, since I often use an iPad in therapy sessions. All the apps are tested by me, and are either under $10, or free!
This week’s app is:
App name: “Apples and Pairs” from Boluga
See it here at the App Store:
See it here on Amazon:
Price: FREE in the iTunes store, or Amazon
Description: Apples and Pairs is designed for school-age children. The point of the game is to match word cards, finding words that have either the same definition (synonyms) or the opposite meaning (antonyms). The app also allows you to view a definition of each word, and there are more than 1500 words to practice! With three levels, it’s a good way to expose older students to a variety of vocabulary.
Why I love it: Apples and Pairs is a great way to develop vocabulary, work on comparing and contrasting, and can be used by speech pathologists, academic specialists/resource teachers, and general classroom teachers when working on synonym and antonym pairs. The game can be used as a review of some learned words, as a teaching tool for new words, and can also be used as a reward for having finished other work.
Note to readers: Jenny’s Speech and Learning Clinic is not affiliated in any way, nor do we receive any type of compensation for promoting various apps. We are simply trying to provide useful resources for parents, caregivers, fellow therapists, educators, and any other readers that are looking for great apps for our amazing kids! 🙂
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