(520) 989-9799 info@jennysspeech.com

Where do you go to get an autism diagnosis in Tucson?  Jenny’s interviewed Brie Seward, the associate director of the Autism Society of Southern Arizona, about what steps a family must take in order to receive an autism diagnosis evaluation from a medical provider.

Seward gave tips for families looking for an autism evaluation and a possible autism diagnosis. If you contact Brie, she is able to guide you based on your insurance provider where you can go to have your child evaluated for autism. Her contact info is info@as-az.org or 520-770-1541. The Autism Society of Southern Arizona will also help you with next steps once a diagnosis is made.

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Have a list of what your insurance covers.

Insurance plans can vary significantly. You will need to call to ask about your individual plan.  If you choose the route of not using insurance the average cost of out-of-pocket autism evaluations in Tucson is $1000 from private psychologists.  For families in a hurry and willing to pay the out-of-pocket price, Jenny’s recommends Dr. Janna Kautz (520) 296-4280 or Tucson Alliance for Autism.

If you have private insurance, there are several options:

  • Banner Hospital in Tucson can provide evaluations.
  • Some developmental pediatricians also accept insurance, such as:

Dr. Sydney Rice, Dr. Catherine Riley and Dr. Margaret Trouard Phone: (520) 324-5437

Dr. Sharon McDonough-Means Phone: (520)247-0405

Go to Phoenix.

Wait lists to see a pediatrician in Tucson can be very long. Families with insurance can choose to go to Phoenix for evaluations. Patients at Jenny’s have used the following resources in Phoenix for evaluations:

  • Autism Clinic at Phoenix Children’s Hospital and the Barrow Neurological Institute.  Appointments are made by a referring pediatrician or family physician. Phone: 602-933-2327


  • Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center. Accepts some insurance but not AHCCCS. Phone: 602-606-9889


  • Melmed Center – Check with the Melmed center on insurance/reimbursement options.Phone: (480) 443-0050, press 4 for new patients.


  • Ridge Zeller Therapy. Phone: 480-365-9981

What if you have AHCCCS ?

  • Cenpatico: AHCCCS-eligible children and adults not currently engaged with a behavioral health provider in the Cenpatico system of care should first see their primary care provider, who can then refer the child and family to a specialized ASD diagnosing provider.If you have AHCCCS (Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System) you are eligible to contact Cenpatico for behavioral health services. They have doctors who can evaluate for autism and provide services once your family receives a diagnosis.Cenpatico: (866) 495-6738
  • To apply for AHCCCS (602) 49-6738

Autism Diagnosis in Tucson for Adults?