(520) 989-9799 info@jennysspeech.com

Our first Jenny’s Winter Holiday Party was a great success! Thanks to all the families, volunteers and Jenny’s therapists who participated.  It was a real group effort.  Please see the fruits of everyone’s labor – smiling faces.

[video_player type=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS82RVpma19pT054cw==[/video_player]

One family was gracious to send the following thank you note 🙂


” All – please accept our sincere thanks for the Holiday Party. Johnny was so exhausted that he fell asleep on the way home and was silly/giddy when he woke up – it tapped his resources in that way we like to see!  He had been so excited to see Santa, but obviously we can’t make “snow” angels or run circles in front of the Santa at the mall!  I can’t imagine if we had tried to accomplish that- it would have turned his expectation of excitement into one of angst, confusion, and ultimately disappointment.  You gave him the opportunity to “do” Santa in the most non-threatening way possible.  Everyone who was there to help was kind and friendly and really made him feel special. We can’t thank you enough for this and for everything that you make possible.  We are so pleased and honored to be a part of the Jenny’s family.”